Cut Your Energy Day

What can you do today to help tomorrow?

At the risk of being preachy here are 3 simple steps to help the environment:

1) Unplug your chargers. Did you know that an electrical current runs through your chargers even when you are not using them? Not only does it produce a microscopic energy that adds pennies to your ConEd bill, it ruins your charges. Unplug them!!!

2) Turn off your dishwasher. I don’t know about you but I have a new smart high-end dishwasher. But it doesn’t turn off at the end of the cycle. I have to manually turn it off. Which is super annoying and I forget all the time. But every time I remember to do it, I feel better. Again, pennies. Less than pennies.

3) Turn off the lights when you are not in the room. You would never leave a flashlight on all night or all day. Why do we all leave lights on? Just because we don’t see the batteries being wasted, it doesn’t mean we aren’t wasting electricity!

I understand that all of these steps individually isn’t going to save the environment but if we all do these small steps, collectively, we can help. Then we all can think about composting and electric cars and solar power and eating locally etc etc etc. But as a public, we have to stop waiving our arms and obsessing over the big solution and realize that these small steps, if we all take them, can make strides to a better world.


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